egypt, tower of terror mural

Monday, March 15, 2010


Hello everyone, and especially my FOLLOWERS,

I am moving to a new blog site that is attached and well connected to my web site. Please follow me there and sign in as followers again.

The web site is

To get there all you have to do is look right above this post to the navigation bar. Click on HOME and it will take you to the web site. Once there, if you click on BLOG it will take you to the new blog site.

Thanks for your support.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

illustration examples

Here are some examples of my work. Disney work for theme parks in Tokyo and Orlando. The centaurette from Fantasia, and a portion of a mural from the Tower of Terror attraction in Tokyo. Also children's book illustrations.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

animation backgrounds

This is from a Don Bluth film, "Thumbelina". The film itself has many shortcomings, yet contains some beautiful artwork. I cut my teeth as a background painter on this film.

The top image is from Disney's Pocahontas.

Looking back over some animation backgrounds that I painted long ago, and thought I'd share them here.

This is by far the most "Famous" background that I painted while at Disney. It was a beautiful moment between father and daughter in the story as well as a pretty picture (MULAN).

This scene was featured in promotional spreads in TIME magazine, and newspapers around the world. Disney also used it for reproduction cels.

book jacket cover

I am still searching for the best design for this book cover. This one is intended to be less dark and less seductive. Which do you like the best? Which would get you to pick the book off the shelf? That is the question.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Society of illustrators show

Getting two pieces ready for the society of illustrators show coming up in May.

Sci-Fi book illustration

I have been working on a couple of book illustration concepts. Just rough at this point, but hope they wind up going somewhere.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Life can be hectic. Make sure you can laugh now and again.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

drawing drills

I am teaching a class in Drawing for Animation. In connection to that I have another blog that covers the class material.

It's fun to delve into what really makes a drawing "good". I'd rather look at a drawing that has personality than an amazingly life-like rendering with all the detail and minutia. I am trying to teach the students in the class about building a drawing using the basic shapes. At first they were reluctant to get into it, choosing rather to jump ahead to the details. I think I'm starting to get through to them. The stuff they turned in today is starting to look pretty good indeed.

The top drawing is from one of the students, and the group below that are some samples that I am having them use to practice and study from.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I am finding a great challenge in drawing. The need to achieve a high degree of draftsmanship has always been there, but I am realizing like never before how important it is to make each drawing entertaining. I am dissatisfied with most of my initial efforts and find myself going back and re-drawing until I get it right. It's amazing to me how subtle the difference can be between an adequate drawing and a great drawing. Fortunately for me I enjoy the process.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My new web site

My web site is progressing very well. I now have several galleries to access. It is interesting to discover how all this electronic technology can be used to advance one's career. I am just beginning to scratch the surface, but at least now I know that I can direct someone to my web site and they can see samples of my work.

I am going to post some little drawings that I think have turned out well.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Storyboard samples

I would like to post some samples of my storyboarding. These sample come from a variety of projects. Some television public service spots and a Pilot made for TNT. Please enjoy them.

The final add can be viewed on Youtube

Another can be seen at:

Storyboard examples

I am going to post some pictures of some of my storyboard work. Enjoy.

I hope Christine is able to see them.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Welcome to 2010. I continue to develop art for licensing, and illustrate a children's book. I am trying to make sure that each drawing and illustration is as entertaining as it can be. Realism and correctness of proportions and other such academic technicalities must come second to entertainment. Not that they are not important and worthwhile things to strive for, but so often the best entertainment appeal comes only after you have distorted and twisted the "realities" to some degree.

For a friend, I am posting a photo of me and my large statue that I made a couple of years ago.
The statue was made with an underlying armature of welded steel, styrofoam blocks layered over that, and finally modeling clay on the surface. The whole thing was then cast in silicone and a fiberglass cast was made.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have plans to link this blog to my website, and link another blog with them as well.